Eden Builders is a fully licensed kitchen remodeling contractor in Los Angeles.
If you need inspiration view our images of our recent kitchen remodels. Or for ideas from the experts and interior designers at HGTV .
Your kitchen remodel is as EASY AS 1-2-3!
1. Starts with a free kitchen design consultation with one of our on staff expert Design Specialists. They’ll work with you every step of the way, helping you select the products of your choice, in order to create the look you want within your remodel budget. Besides aesthetics they consider the optimal layout, space planning, functionality and entertaining needs, storage and organization and the kitchen “work triangle” which maximizes efficiency and reduces traffic. 2. We’ll schedule a construction date and order all your products and get the permits in place before we begin the project. 3. On scheduled date the construction crew (licensed plumbers, tilers, stone masons, electricians, dry wallers) will show up and complete your dream kitchen on time and on budget. KITCHEN ZONES: Prep, cooking and cleanup areas are the primary zones, and they’re mandatory. All other zones (baking, beverage and communication centers, for example) are not necessary and therefore called auxiliary zones. By combining some zones into one area or eliminating zones that don’t fit into your layout and lifestyle, you can make your kitchen multi-task just like you do. WORK TRIANGLE: The “work triangle” is defined by the National Kitchen and Bath Association as an imaginary straight line drawn from the center of the sink, to the center of the cooktop, to the center of the refrigerator and finally back to the sink. The NKBA suggests these guidelines for work triangles:- The sum of the work triangle’s three sides should not exceed 26 feet, and each leg should measure between 4 and 9 feet.
- The work triangle should not cut through an island or peninsula by more than 12 inches.
- If the kitchen has only one sink, it should be placed between or across from the cooking surface, preparation area, or refrigerator.
- No major traffic patterns should cross through the triangle.
- Cabinet door style: slab or horizontal lift-up
- Frosted glass inserts
- Stainless steel and other metallic accents
- Curved cabinets and counters
- Crown and rope molding, fluting, corbels and other ornamentation and trim
- Cabinets in cherry, walnut and mahogany
- Raised panel cabinet door styles
- Antique fixtures and appliances
- Wood, stone or other natural materials
- Furniture-look cabinetry
- Stone walls and/or floors
- Pewter or copper accents
- Mosaic tiles
- Brick or plaster walls
- Deep, rich colors
- Appliances hidden behind panels